Wednesday, November 18, 2009

I Think Im Inlove When Qoutes

Dominique Urvoy critic Tariq Ramadan, Abdelnour Bidar etc. ... France Culture

Light 101

" Islam à la carte "

Jean-Luc asked Dominique Urvoy professor of Arab thought and culture at the University Toulouse II:
- Impasse attempts Reform of Islam
- the absolute model of the Koran. Requirement literalist reading
- Game Tarik Ramadan

→ For foundations of orthodox Sunni Yadh Ben Achour
→ psychological action in the Koran, Dominique Urvoy

28 February 2009 Play the

recording here:

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text on "What questions should we ask Tariq Ramadan on the compatibility between Islam and human rights":

If one wants to Tariq Ramadan in difficulty, one must ask how it proceeds to "humanize" the explicit and prescriptive verses like "all those regarding inheritance and corporal punishment" for ijtihad which is forbidden, for example, that ordering the believers to cut the hands of thieves.
can also ask him how he proceeds to reconcile democracy with the verse of the Qur'an Allah refers to as the legislator, Al Akhim, who has the best judgments
... For indeed, as if the remark Dominique Urvoy, states become "Islamic" immediately engage the severed hands punishment, it is no coincidence is that this verse is not an option but an order, the only mitigation is a hadith which does not apply this punishment when the flight is less than a quarter of a dinar.
On the legacy he has partially responded by saying he is trying to offset the effects of explicit verses: he would have found at last? It is

cons quite ridiculous to blame him for positions "reactionaries" on a particular social issue, since the position it is Islamic law according to "scholars of Islam "and not that of poets in any creative Islam that is personal: would you ask a French philosopher how to reform the French law, no one asks to law professors in our universities preferably ...



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