Saturday, December 13, 2008

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Sunday, December 7, 2008

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Wednesday, December 3, 2008

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Book of Louis Chagnon: the Muslim conquest of Egypt

The Muslim conquest of Egypt (639-646)

Louis Chagnon

This authority shall submit to the wisdom of the readers a story the conquest of Egypt by the Muslims, the vile century. Egypt was a country of great strategic importance to Constantinople and the first non-Arab country to fall into the hands entirely Muslim. Its conquest is traditionally portrayed as easy, thanks to the collaboration would have made some Christians (Monophysite) the Muslim conquerors. Louis Chagnon, based on Christian and Muslim historical sources, compares the facts in this presentation and analysis, in light of the documents, demonstrates that it is far from the truth it presents the political organizations and armed presence, reconstructs the battles, following the successes and setbacks of the Egyptian resistance during this long war punctuated by massacre and desolation, it takes a clear stand on controversial historical issues raised.

Author Biography
Louis Chagnon is a Professor of History, he was Senior Research Fellow Service History of the Air Force from 2003 to 2005 and has worked since 2005 at the Historical Department of Defense. For several years, he leans on the study of Muslim conquests, mainly in the first four caliphs. It is already the author of a book that provides an introduction to the beginnings of Arab-Muslim conquests, published by Godfrey of Bouillon.

Publisher: Oxford University Press (September 1, 2008)

Interview with Louis Chagnon listen:

The Muslim conquest of Egypt
→ Topics: History
Jean-Luc Carbuccia receives Louis Chagnon Professor of History at about his book The Muslim conquest of Egypt , accomplished in 6 years (639-646) during the seventh encore.Division century and lasting political and weakening of the Empire because of the wars against the Persians. Strong motivation related to Arab booty

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

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A monk among Muslims

Letter of Charles de Foucauld René Bazin

"Muslims can they really be French?"
Charles de Foucauld

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The letter addressed by Father Charles de Foucauld René Bazin, the French Academy, was published in the Bulletin of the Catholic Press Office, No. 5, October 1917.

It was published on the Foundation website service policy, on the occasion of the beatification of Father de Foucauld by Pope Benedict XVI, November 13, 2005 in Rome.

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Tamanrasset by Insalah via Biskra, Algeria, July 29, 1916.


Thank you very much for want to answer my letter, in the midst of so much work, and if a brother. I could, you write me, tell you the useful life of the missionary among the Muslim population, my feeling on what can be expected from a policy that does not seek to convert Muslims by example and by education and therefore maintains Mohammedanism finally conversations with characters from the desert in the affairs of Europe and war.

life of the missionary among the Muslim populations

(...) The isolated missionaries like me are very rare. Their role is to prepare the way, so that missions that replace a population are friend and confident, somewhat prepared souls to Christianity, and, if possible, a few Christians. (...) We need to accept Muslims for them to become the trusted friend, to whom you go when you are in doubt or difficulty, the affection, wisdom and justice of which there are absolutely. Only when we got there we can get to do good to their souls. Inspire absolute confidence in our accuracy in the rectitude of our character and our higher education, give an idea of our religion by our goodness and our virtues, be affectionate relationships with as many souls as we can, Muslim or Christian native or French is our first duty: it is only after having our fill, long enough, you can do good. My life is therefore to be as much as possible in relation to my surroundings and to make all the services I can. As the intimacy is established, I mean always or almost always face to face, good God, briefly, giving everyone what he can wear, leakage of sin, an act of perfect love, act perfect contrition, the two great commandments of love of God and neighbor, self-examination, meditation for last, in sight of the creature to think of God, etc.., giving to each according to his strength and advancing slowly, cautiously. There are very few missionaries isolated by this office of pioneer and I wish there were many: any priest in Algeria, Tunisia or Morocco, while a military chaplain, all devout Catholic layman (the example of Priscilla and Aquila), could be. The government banned the secular clergy to make anti-Muslim propaganda, but it is propaganda, and open more or less noisy, friendly relations with many natives, tending to bring slowly, slowly, silently, Muslims Christians become closer friends, can not be permitted per person. While pastor of our colonies, could try to form many of his parishioners to be Priscilla and Aquila. There are a tender and discreet propaganda among the natives to infidels, propaganda which is above all the kindness, love and caution, like when we want God to bring a parent who has lost faith ...

Hopefully after the victory our colonies take off again. What a great mission for our cadets from France, to colonize the territories of the African motherland, not to get rich, but to make love France, including French and make souls especially their eternal salvation, being primarily Priscilla and Aquila! How

Frenchify the peoples of our African empire

My thought is that if, gradually, slowly, the Muslims of our colonial empire in northern Africa are not converted, there will be a nationalist movement similar to that Turkey: an intellectual elite will be formed in large cities, educated in French, without the spirit or the French heart, which has lost its elite Islamic faith, but keep the label in order to influence it by masses on the other hand, the mass of nomads and remain ignorant rustics, away from us, firmly Mohammedan increased to hatred and contempt of the French by religion, by his wise men, through the contacts she has with the French (authority representatives, farmers, traders), contacts that too often are not unique to make us love her. National sentiment or Barbary exalt in the educated elite: when she found an opportunity, for example in France's difficulties at home or abroad, it will use Islam as a lever to lift the ignorant masses and seek to create an independent Muslim African empire.

Empire North-West Africa from France, Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, French West Africa, etc.., Has 30 million inhabitants, it will, through peace, twice in fifty years. It will then be in full progress material, rich, furrowed railways, populated by people versed in handling our weapons, including the elite will have received instruction in our schools. If we did not do these French people, they chase us. The only way they become French is that they become Christians.

This is not to convert them in a day or by force, but gently, quietly, by persuasion, example, good education, training, thanks to a power close and loving contact, works mostly secular French can be much more numerous than the priests and take a more intimate contact.

Muslims can they really be French? Exceptionally, yes. Generally, no. Many Muslims oppose tenets; ago with some accommodations, with one, that of Medhi, there is none: every Muslim (I am not talking about free-thinkers who have lost faith) believes that the approach of the Last Judgement will occur Medhi, declare a holy war, and establish Islam throughout the earth, having exterminated or subjugated all non-Muslims. In this faith, the Muslim looks at Islam as his true homeland and non-Muslim peoples as to be eventually overwhelmed by him or his descendants Muslims, it is subject to a non-Muslim nation, is a test transient; his faith assured him that he will emerge and triumph in his turn those which he is now subject; wisdom urges calm to undergo his trial; "bird trapped struggling loses its feathers and break the wings if he is quiet, it is intact on the day of liberation, "they say, they may prefer one nation to another, to love better than to be subjected to the French Germans, because they know the first softer and can be attached to specific French, as it is attached to a foreign friend, they can fight with great courage to France, from a sense of honor, character warrior spirit, true to their word, as the military fortunes of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, but, in general, with exceptions, as they are Muslims, they are not French, they will expect more or less patiently day Medhi, which they submit in France.

Hence our Algerian Muslims are so eager to apply for French nationality How to ask to be part of a foreign people we know have to be inevitably defeated and subjugated by the people to which one belongs oneself? This change of nationality really involves a kind of apostasy, a renunciation of the faith of the Mehdi ...


Like you, I ardently desire that France is the French, and our breed remains pure. Yet I am glad to see many Kabyle work in France, and this seems somewhat dangerous to our race, because almost all of the Kabyle, love their country, just want to make a nest egg and return to their mountains. If the contact

good Christians established in Kabylia is capable of converting and francize Kabyle, how much more prolonged life among Christians in France is it able to produce this effect!

(...) If the Berber race gave us St. Monica and St. Augustine in part, "that is reassuring. Nevertheless, the Kabyle today are not what their ancestors of the fourth century: their men are not what we want for our daughters, their daughters are not capable of doing good mothers we want.

For the Kabyle become French, however, that it will become possible marriages between them and us that Christianity alone, even giving education, the same principles, seeking to inspire the same feelings happen, over time, to partially fill the gap that now exists.

In recommending me fraternally to your prayers, and our Tuareg, and thanking you again for your letter, please accept the assurances of my respectful and religious devotion.

Your humble servant in the Heart of Jesus.

Charles de Foucauld

Monday, October 20, 2008

Teoria Idoli F.bacona

Alain Besancon and silence Benoit XVI on Islam

Benedict XVI before the three temptations of the Church
With Alain Besancon and Father Iborra

In 1996, Alain Besancon published an essay titled Capital Three temptations in the Church (reissued Perrin). While the trip of Pope Benedict XVI in Paris and Lourdes was for many French revelation of the true personality of the pontiff, Christopher Dicks has asked Alain Besancon replacing the pontificate of the former Cardinal Ratzinger in front of the "three temptations. For his part, Father Iborra, translator of the book by Aidan Nichols Thought of Benedict XVI (Editions Ad Solem), illuminates the intellectual journey of the former prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.

To read the works of Father Moussalli, mentioned Alain Besancon:

The text of Father Moussalli

His book: http:/ / / islam.html
Antoine Moussala
The Cross and the Crescent

Antoine Moussala, The Cross and the Crescent, Paris, Éditions de Paris, 1998, 116 p.

"The truth will set you free" says Christ (John, 8, 32). As in any speech, no dialogue apart from the truth. But the dialogue implies an attitude of kindness and charity brought under the other, along with a search - a "geological patience" - the truth which is that other carrier. Never have there been so many meetings, sessions, symposia and seminars as in the past two decades, where everyone was worn by irrepressible optimism and equal impatience bulimic dialogue. Gradually became inevitable excesses: benevolence became complacent and search for truth was turning into compromise. This has led to abuses unforgettable, as the Islamic-Christian meeting in Tripoli, Libya in 1974 - including the Secretariat for relations with Islam (SRI) was the initiator - where President Gaddafi imposed participants a three-hour speech to urge Christians to convert to Islam needed liberating. It took the Encyclical Redemptoris missio, in 1990, for details required on the contour of the "dialogue" and the "announcement" that "if the two are related, they are not interchangeable for the same."
is in this context that the work of A.. Moussali and it is in the very logic of the dialogue should be placed. His intention is to provide some answers to solve a recurring question: Christians and Muslims, we are similar, dissimilar, similar? What do terms like "monotheism", "revelation", "Christology," "Abraham", "prophecy" etc.. ? According
its comparative method, the A. discusses the different terms with a triple objective: to look at reality as it is, explain to Catholics what Islam is, and finally resume the education of Christians in their faith, so they are in able to defend and guard against the temptation of switching - or sentimental cult - Islam. At an impartial statement of the Muslim religion the author combines a very safe catechesis of the Christian religion. The aim of the book is such that we readily forget some gaps and inaccuracies in the text.
are commonly employed, and almost mechanically, in Catholic circles and even in sermons, phrases like "the three monotheistic religions," "the three revealed religions," "the three Abrahamic religions" or "the three religions of the Book" . This last phrase - Muslim! - Has an entirely different meaning to imply that Christians who use it. The author shows how these terms are unacceptable and even outrageous especially when they are the part of Catholics. If one day we see them disappearing from common Christian discourse will be the sign that Father A. Moussali will not work in vain: we like to go that last thought to Alain Besancon, of the Institute, which, with even a few intellectuals understood the seriousness of the issues since the dialogue has become a practice vogue.


(Copy of wheat Volume CIII No. 4 October-December 2002)

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

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Delcambre on France-Culture October 14

Tuesday, October 14, live on FRANCE-CULTURE, Anne-Marie Delcambre faces Adennour Bidar in the program "Grain to grind, "from 18:30 to 19:15.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

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Jacques Heers: history assassassinée

The fable of the transmission of ancient learning Arabic

New History Review, No. 1, July-August 2002

To believe our textbooks, past and even more than today The legacy of Greece and Rome was completely ignored in the Western world, the fall of the Roman Empire and the development of Christianity to the "Renaissance": night of the Middle Ages, a thousand years of darkness!

And to say the same token, the authors of antiquity were not only known through the Arabs, translators applied only interested only able to operate and transmit this culture that scorned our clerics.

Speaking of "Arabs" is already a mistake. In the countries of Islam, Arabs, scholars and translators, were certainly far fewer than the Persians, Egyptians and Christians from Syria and Iraq. Most Greek texts were first translated into Syriac, Aramaic speaking city of Edessa, which has largely survived in Islam and does not disappear in the thirteenth century. At the time of al Ma'mum, seventh Abbasid caliph (813-833), ibn Isbak Hunan, the most famous of the Hellenistic privileged guest of the House of Wisdom in Baghdad, was a Christian. It has long traveled in Asia Minor in order to collect Greek manuscripts, he translated or had translated under his direction. Our books often speak of scholars and translators of Toledo, who at the time of the Caliphs of Cordoba, had studied and made known to the ancient authors. But they forget to remember that this cathedral city - like many others and many monasteries - was already under the barbarian kings, long before the Muslim occupation, a large outbreak of intellectual life permeated ancient culture. The clerics remained Christians, well aware of the importance of passing this legacy, have simply continued their work under new masters.

wants us to believe the worst follies and we watch the monks, ignorant copyists, busy not only transcribe the sacred texts, eager to incinerate valuable manuscripts which they could not understand. However, no witness, in the dark Middle Ages never saw a library set on fire and many are, instead, talk about bringing major monasteries of ancient texts funds. It is clear that the major centers of Greek studies ranged not only in Islamic countries, but in Byzantium. Constantine Porphyrogenitus, Emperor (913-951), was surrounded by a circle of scholars and humanists encyclopedists; the frescoes of the imperial palaces recounted the exploits of Achilles and Alexander. Patriarch Photius (d. 895) inaugurated in his first book, Myriobiblion a long series of analysis and exegesis ancient authors. Psellus Michel (d. 1078) commented Plato and tried to associate Christianity with Greek thought. No trace in the Church, neither East nor West, of any fanaticism, while Muslims themselves relate many examples of the wrath of their theologians and religious leaders against their profane studies. Al-Hakim, the Fatimid caliph of Cairo (996-1021), jewelry banned for women, men, chess, and students, books pagans. At the same time, Spain, al-Mansur, to win the support of theologians (Muslims), burned thousands of manuscripts Greek and Roman of the great library of Cordova. The Christian West has not experienced a crisis under this type.
The "Arabs" have sought and certainly less studied Greek and Roman writers as Christians. Those of the West did not need their help, with, of course, at their disposal in their countries, funds of ancient texts, Latin and Greek, collected from the time of the Roman Empire and left in place. Anyway, that Byzantium, not in the "Arabs" that the clergy of Europe went further their knowledge of antiquity. Pilgrimages to the Holy Land ecumenical councils, travel prelates in Constantinople maintained and strengthened all kinds of intellectual ties. In Spain the Visigoths, monasteries (Dumio near Braga, Agaliense near Toledo, Caulanium near Mérida), the episcopal schools (Seville, Tarragona, Toledo), the kings and nobles, collecting old books for their libraries . The country of Iberia was used to relay on the road towards the sea to Ireland and Brittany, where the monks, too, studied the secular texts from antiquity.

Can we forget that the Byzantines in the years 550, conquered and occupied the whole of Italy, the maritime provinces of Spain and much of what had been Roman Africa? What Greek Ravenna remained for over two hundred years, and that the Italians called the region of Romagna, land of the Romans, that is to say, the Byzantines, heirs of the Roman Empire?

Byzantium was the major source of transmission

Nothing is said either the role of merchants in Italy, Provence and Catalonia, which, as early as the Mille, the regularly frequented stopovers East, and more often than Cairo Constantinople. Should see blind, soulless and brainless, without any curiosity as their spices? The pattern has emerged, but it is wrong. Burgundio of Pisa, the son of a wealthy family, lived in Constantinople for five years, from 1135 to 1140, among merchants in his city. He brought a copy of Pandects, a collection of laws of Rome, attended by the Emperor Justinian, piously preserved by later in their Medici Laurentian Library. Hellenist end, he translated the works of scholars and Hippocrates and Galen proposed to the Emperor Frederick Barbarossa an entire program other translations Greek writers of antiquity. This man, this scholar, who owed nothing to the Arabs, had many disciples and imitators, as the canon Rolando Bandinelli, who became pope in 1159 (Alexander III).

Making Westerners rely on lessons provided by the Arabs is too much prejudice and ignorance: nothing but a fable, reflecting a curious tendency to denigrate himself.

Jacques Heers

medievalist, Jacques Heers also offers us on this show a reflection on the historiography of the twentieth century through his book The History murdered, published by Editions de Paris in 2006. Thinking and uncompromising about the University and the cliches of our history.

murdered by Jacques Heers Editions de Paris

His bibliography:
History murdered Editions For 2006 Paris Gilles de Rais Editions Perrin, 2005 slavers of Islam - The first dealt with black VIIth-fifteenth centuries to the Editions Perrin, 2003 and died
Fall of Constantinople - 1204-1453 Editions Perrin city in the Middle Ages in the West by Editions Hachette The papal court at the time of the Borgias Medicis and Louis XI by Editions Hachette Editions Perrin The First Crusade by Editions Perrin The Barbary - Race and War in the Mediterranean, XIV-XVI century by Editions Perrin
the First Crusade to liberate Jerusalem at Editions Perrin From St. Louis to Louis XI Editions Bartillat Jacques Coeur Editions Perrin Festivals and carnivals crazy Editions Hachette A History of the Middle Ages to Gilles de Rais Puf Editions Perrin - The family clan in the Middle Ages - Study of political and social structures in urban Puf The West in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries - the West in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. the Puf - Middle-age a sham by Editions Perrin 1492-1530 Rush America - mirages and fevers? Publishing Complex in Columbus, Hachette Literature

Jacques Heers, associate history in 1949. Between 1949 and 1951, he became a professor at Le Mans and Alençon, and finally to the National Military Prytaneum.
From 1951 he was attached to the CNRS. Therefore, he meets the great Fernand Braudel, who sends a doctorate in Italy state spent in Genoa in the fifteenth century. He defended his thesis at the Sorbonne in 1958. In his return from Italy, he became assistant to Georges Duby, Faculty of Letters of Aix-en-Provence. In 1957 he was appointed professor at the University of Algiers, where he practices for five years until 1962. Subsequently, he was successively professor at Caen, Rouen, Paris X University and the Sorbonne.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

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Meddeb called Christianity for help

Around 10: 05 "must be an evangelical approach the letter of the Koran, that is to say, achieve the mind rather than the letter "We must do everything to separate Islam from Islamist his demons. " A. Meddeb

Observant Jews spend their lives studying the spirit of the law, they were able to separate a first reading of the archaic law of his higher sense, is based on a study of the mind of all texts.

If they have done is that Judaism invented "thou shalt not kill" "thou shalt love thy neighbor" "You do not seek revenge" ..

Thus they have a civil law of retaliation.

Christians have wanted to ignore almost complete by the letter, while retaining the spirit, but they were able to focus on the spirit of love of these texts, it is because Jesus was found written in black and white. ..

But Muslims ... how can they escape the letter of a text in which all reflect the life and soul of a warrior and ruthless man who has fought and killed, a text that nowhere is the word "love"?

Monday, September 22, 2008

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Sylvain Gougenheim: Aristotle at Mont Saint Michel

Publisher: Seuil

The World of Books:
And if Europe was not to his knowledge of Islam? April 4, 2008
Roger-Pol Droit
Historian Sylvain Gouguenheim rejects the idea that Greek science was transmitted to the West by the Muslim world. Amazing correct the prejudices of the time, the work of Sylvain Gouguenheim will spark debate and controversy. Its theme: the cultural lineage Western world-Muslim world. On this subject, the ideological and political issues loom large. Yet this most serious academic, professor of medieval history at the Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon, undermines a series of beliefs became dominant.

Presentation Editor
is generally considered that the West has discovered knowledge Greek Middle Ages through Arabic translations. Sylvain Gouguenheim undermines such an idea by showing that Europe has always maintained his contacts with the Greek world. Le Mont-Saint-Michel, in particular, is the center of an active work of translating the texts of Aristotle in particular, from the twelfth century. We discover at the same time as the other side of the Mediterranean, the Hellenization of the Islamic world, more limited than what is believed, was mainly the work of Christian Arabs. Even the field of Islamic philosophy (Avicenna, Averroes) remained in part outside the Greek spirit. Thus, it appears that the Hellenization of Christian Europe was primarily the result of the desire of Europeans themselves. If the term "roots" has a meaning for civilization, the roots of the European world are Greek, those of the Islamic world are not.

About the Author Professor of Medieval History at the ENS in Lyon, Sylvain Gouguenheim currently working on the history of the Crusades. He recently published The Teutonic Knights (Tallandier, 2008). Interview with Sylvain

Gougenheim on Canal Academy about his book on the Teutonic Knights and the book "Aristotle at Mont Saint Michel" ? var_recherche Sylvain =% 20Gougenheim

Saturday, September 13, 2008

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Muslim law in comparative law

Large contemporary legal systems of René David, Camille Jauffret-Spinosi

translation in eleven languages of this book, beyond the knowledge of foreign systems, has contributed to a better understanding between lawyers from diverse backgrounds.

It remains the fundamental work of all those who, for better understanding of their own, wonder about other rights.

Publisher: Dalloz; Edition: 11th (October 24, 2002)
Collection: Précis Dalloz
Language: French
ISBN-10: 2247028489 ISBN
-13: 978-2247028481

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Aldeeb Sami Abu- Sahlieh

A specialist in Islamic law.

Doctor of Law. Expert on Arab and Islamic Law. Christian of Palestinian origin. Swiss citizen. Founder of the Association for One Democratic State in Palestine / Israel.

Introduction to the Muslim society: foundations, principles and sources, Eyrolles, Paris, 462 pages.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

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Alija Izetbegovic: Islamic Manifesto

Alija Izetbegovic (1925-2003)

The manifest Islamic
Al-Buraq, Paris-Beirut, 1999

The former president of Bosnia - Herzegovina wrote a manifesto in 1970 (reissued in 1999), which advocates the establishment of Islamic order, the Sharia, Europe, once the forces of Islam permit.


"It is impossible for a true Muslim gives his life for the cause of an emperor or a governor, regardless of the notability of it, nor for the glory of a nation, party, or what resembles them [...]. The Muslim defies death for Allah's sake or for the glory of Islam, if he leaves the field of battle. "

"The comprehensive definition of the Islamic order is: the unity of religion and law, education and force, ideals and interests, spiritual society and State, all with the harmonization of spontaneity and the obligation. "

" Overall, the Muslim does not exist as an independent. "

" It is indeed not possible that a peace or coexistence occurs between religion Islamic social institutions and non-Islamic policies. "

" There is no principle of secularism ".

" Islam connotes "Nation" in the sense of trend and aspiration to unite all Muslims in one community, religious, cultural and political. "

"[...] the application of the law of retaliation for murder with premeditation and unfairly. Retaliation embodies a public interest which is to protect lives. "

" Removing all sources of corruption of morals of people [...] is one of the most important Islamic order. [...] Here are some things that Islam has prohibited and which, by its terms, the Islamic order would render impossible the occurrence: - all kinds of intoxicating liquor - prostitution or public secret - the libertine literature and art through words, pictures, movies or television, clubs and gambling, night clubs, dance clubs, and all forms of entertainment and of pleasure that does not agree with the moral principles of Islam. "

" [Women should not suffer ill-treatment]. These views are not borrowed from the theory of equality of both sexes in the West, because it expresses the trend that are imposed on society standards, whims and the domination of a certain category immoral female. "

"Instead of abstract equality, Islam provides to women love, marriage, children, and all that that means to her."

"[...] ensure that women and children in divorce or polygamy effective protection. "

"In reality, the Qur'an does not command us to love our enemies, but we ordered in formal terms to be fair and forgiving .(...) It is therefore necessary that the use of force adapts to that principle. "

"The Islamic movement may, or rather should begin with the assumption of power when it has a great deal of moral power and digital which allows not only to overthrow the government un-Islamic, but also to establish the new Islamic power. "

" It is obvious that there are two realism: realism to our us and the realism of the powerless submitted by us

"There can be no peace or coexistence between Islamic faith societies and political institutions and non-Islamic. .. Islam clearly excludes the right and opportunity activity on its own grounds of some ideology alien to Islam whatsoever ... and the state must be an expression of religion. "

"Islam can not coexist with any other religions in the same state, except as an expedient in the short term. In the long term, cons, after becoming stronger in any country, Muslims have a duty to seize power and create a truly Islamic state. "

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Johan Bourlard: Jihad Ali Merad

Johan Bourlard, historian and Islamic scholar answers questions from Jean-Luc Carbuccia on Light 101. They evoke the founding texts of jihad, the model of Muhammad's strategy and tactics of jihad.

Play the show about the book, Johan Bourlard interviewed by Jean-Luc Carbuccia

Friday, August 15, 2008

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: the Caliphate and Islam Tidiane N'Diaye

One often hears criticism of the "amalgam Islam-Islamism."

The word "Islam" has long been merely a synonym for Islam, a construction similar to other names of religions, "Christianity," "Hinduism" etc. ...

then some, in Egypt and elsewhere have said that "Islamism" is a doctrine distinct and deviancy "fundamentalist" or "politics" of "Islam."

Nominalism spontaneous human mind tends to make him believe that if a word exists, then there is a corresponding reality in the real world.

In this case, the injunction that is often made to distinguish between Islam and Islamism, is assumed the existence of two main doctrines, ideologies or theologies of two clearly identifiable and distinguishable, whose Islam is one and the other Islamism.

While those who employ this distinction does not provide bibliographies supposed to correspond to these "two" theories.

Professor Ali Merad simply presents things in place, apparently without meaning precisely.

In his book "The caliphate, an authority for Islam?" He speaks of "the essence of Islam" in a footnote stating "the term Islamism is understood here as meaning" religion of Mohammed "- Dictionary of French of Emile Littré.

Ali Merad in this book speaks of "the growing interest in the project Caliphate", reflecting its view "of the new intake of consciousness that manifests itself through the country islalma, along with the "pervasiveness of Islamic unity in the religious-political discourse" in these countries, and the "theme of revival and resurgence of Islamic (sahwa) as a leitmotif reveals a powerful groundswell of identity ".

Ali Merad is Professor Emeritus at the University of Paris III-Sorbonne Nouvelle and author of numerous books on the Islam.

Presentation Editor:

"The Islamic discourses exalt contemporary ethics of unity, both as a value inherent in Qur'anic message and as a necessity for the revival of the Muslim world. For this purpose, some argue for a return to the original model of the caliphate, when this concept was synonymous with greatness and influence in the fields of culture and civilization. For others, political realism incentive to favor a caliphate of purely spiritual, like the Roman Catholic papacy. In contrast, modernist theories aim to reestablish the Islamic unity on a model compatible with the primacy of nation states, particularly in the form of a World League Muslim. Such moral authority could play an important regulatory role for both the interpretation of the founding texts of Islam as to embody the Islamic legitimacy, both in terms of Muslim peoples and at the level of the international community. "

Monday, July 21, 2008

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In the wake of the draft Greater Paris, Jean-Louis Borloo announced further consultation on the proposed rail link between Charles de Gaulle airport and the capital. The high cost of project (760 million euros) while a single operator, Vinci, responded to the invitation to tender, subject to criticism. Association for metropolitan governance rather suggests improving fast connections on line B. Another side effect of the draft Greater Paris, the decision of the Council of Paris to study permission towers in outlying districts of Paris.
The Daily Telegraph English
passion for the project Greater Paris. Citing About Henry Guaino "we want to do much more than building monuments to the regime." The correspondent of the Telegraph welcomes the idea of putting in Paris at the size of Greater London (7.5 million) in the choice of competing British architect Richard Rogers . The idea Antoine Grumbach uniting together to make a Paris, Rouen, Le Havre did not leave indifferent.
More critically, the site of Marianne and his investigation into four parts "and
if the Grand Paris Pschitt ? By the planner and Marc Roger Bazile Endeweld. Often funny chronicle of the "foundations of the Metropolis" held late June in La Plaine Saint-Denis.
"soft consensus" is also the decision of
Blog World "Paris and its suburbs" on the same foundation.

Will there a specific governance of Greater Paris? He competed every caution, thus highlighting the same, the absence of representatives of civil society, associations and economic actors. Meanwhile a second stage takes shape "a mixed open" elected officials in the region Paris. Urba
+, the network of the Institute of Urbanism in Paris, take the start to a survey
on development priorities and the perimeter of Greater Paris.
Rotterdam starts construction of seven new waterfront towers at a height of 135 meters to 180 meters. By Rotterdam architect Rem Koolhaas has
a 3D rendering quite impressive?
Street view is a technology developed by Google that allows to integrate a photo essay Street to its cartographic presentations. Despite a numerical technique to hide the faces of passers-by, an English association, privacy international concern potential breaches to privacy.
by Jacques Dumont.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Brazilian With Thick Legs

Tidiane historian Diane talks about her latest book" The veiled genocide ".

He exposes the slave trade practiced by "Arab-Muslim" and his genocidal nature ... not unlike the transition European slave trafficking, abducted to be sold in the East or the African slave trade ...

Or: how not to forget anything, and nothing racialize.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Unexplained Dizzyness Worse In Pm

moving Frontier (2)

Bas-relief, copyright Patrick Jelin

By Philippe Réfabert *
All discoverer may shrink the novelty it was produced and " prefer "A reassuring development for the hard consistency of his approach. Freud saw the instinctual monism in 1919, evoking the struggle ent re
a single drive and external influences that divert the lifetime of its purpose - to escape the tension in life - but as soon renounces to substitute this figure the more consistent "common sense" of two instincts, Eros and death in conflict. Such a substitution - the struggle between two impulses instead of a fight between a drive and context - would not be without consequence on the clinical psychoanalytic ...

... In other words, it "requires" a new paradigm ...

In this perspective the first part of the device to change is the fundamental concept of the drive. For the reason that Freud with the proposal of the drive - self-referential concept that involves the value of the limit - was in fact for granted at birth to the child the opportunity to establish itself a boundary between inside and outside. C is the
concept of instinct in fact implies discontinuity, it is this value from the outset. Therefore the question was originally supposed resolved once and for all, as is the question of sacrifice in the Catholic dogma - as it was bound u once and for all.

Oedipus pays the price for my transgression
jeure he is doing when it comes into interlocution with the monster instead of killing him, offering to his question and thus ignoring the fact that economy of murder , death, the fundamental discontinuity. - Freud, Totem and Taboo when he concludes by quoting Goethe, "In the beginning was the deed" is a welcome counter his own choice of Oedipus as a hero concept.
The blind spot of where I was able to think the ego, this is the suspense of thinking, then "laundered" and everything can be explained. The hubris of Oedipus culminates in his reply when he puts words where there is no word of any value. If the answer is true, the Sphinx disappears from the scene, if it is wrong, the monster kills the visitor. The answer of Oedipus is an affront to the unrepresentable that guarantees representable. Oedipus profane, abolished the discontinuity that the rite commemorated.
When he thinks instead of acting, it allows the deadlock on the o
riginaire. He then, as Hölderlin says, "an eye too" and invited the singers of the Enlightenment, from Voltaire to Hegel, to believe - belief pegged to facts that their experience confirms - that man can do without Darkness; addition, there is nothing between them and the Clarity.
The hubris of modern man is inaugurated by a mythical hero and sees renewed by a god. Oedipus, a scientific mind, paid for all. Jesus Christ, is deemed to be a god by Paul incarnate, through his sacrifice has redeemed all men. For the price paid by a tyrant and a divine being all men have been freed of debt initially incurred.
The loss of reason and no longer required, with Oedipus, it could keep its head. With Jesus Christ, the indecision was over formatting : death and resurrection, the true God was manifested in His Truth, and the name of this truth, we could enslave, convert, or kill other men. Uncertainty in the revealed text was erased and the renewal and enrich the interpretation of each generation as deployment of Revelation, which is Jewish tradition, were no longer allowed, but rather condemned because the truth was established, once and for all, and the Study and renewal of the Act relegated to a neurotic activity.
He followed that work on the origin
s e silent stored and forgotten. The weather could finally pick up and deliberately off progress without sacrificing the celebration ritual of the unrepresentable, a celebration so expensive in resources of all kinds.
Corrida, copyright Alain Rothstein
This inclusion, once and for all, the discontinuity in the concept of drive has very important consequences in the clinic. The first is that it promotes the belief that we can explain everything, we can always trace the effect to the cause and think that the curve of any phenomenon is differentiable. Freud, who is the guardian of the concept of discontinuity cons Fliess and Jung and includes it in its basic concept, the drive, rules out, for inclusion of this principle, the discontinuity of any problem. He retired from full dynamic as it is originally acquired. The concept of drive focuses on intrapsychic and promotes forgetfulness of the inter-psychic.
Thus the pathology of borderline has been put down to an archaic instinctual rather than being thought of as the effect of early default port and holding. Winnicott with the concepts of holding and handling, Lacan with those of symbolic and imaginary, have provided the tools to "working" figures that Freud had not distinguished and had, in her haste, similar to figures within the discharge.
When the figure of the discontinuity was sealed in the foundations of Freud's theory, hidden in the definition of Grundbegriffe, the basic concept, it could claim to hold the clinic and practice. But this practice could not be therapeutic when she was still marked by a thought which involved resolved the issue of separation of parent and child and did not account for intersubjectivity, "properties" that remained undivided between parent and child.
Invitation to renunciation of instinctual satisfaction (the term "waiver" is a word that appears most often in Freud's work) was one of the clinical consequences of this begs the question that gave the child From the outset, the ability to build itself a field originally open and closed, who saw him as a field where the ego instincts, guardians of life, challenged the seducer internal sexual drive what the preeminence he claimed.
In this perspective, the analyst gave up ... exhorted and analyze the patient to pay its outstanding account of a lack of repression of incestuous and murderous impulses of which he was convicted; invited him basically assuming the problem solved.

A second notable result was the fact that such a theory which assumed resolved once and for all, the question of the boundary between outside and inside, left outside its jurisdiction, banished from his empire, all those for which this limit was problematic. The figure of psychosis was pushed out the walls and not only that which is crazy, but the psychotic core in all of us.
One consequence of this petition in principle be observed even today in speeches qu'avalisent Institutions claiming to guardians of orthodoxy. To maintain the idealization of Freud and respect the letter of his teaching, the heralds of the Institution of psychopathology observed in contemporary figures differ from those described by Freud. These observers say
in effect to the environment that they no longer matter, or very rarely, as with hysteria or Emma Dora the present (cf. S. Freud & J. Breuer, Studies on Hysteria ) but the majority of cases they see falls of pathology narcissistic pathology of the limit.

Another way of looking at things is that the initial speech of Freud was struck by a pathology of continuity, ie that the discharge of the original, which carried out an inclusion of the term, an amalgam of normal and pathological, a frenzy to explain, was the childhood disease of psychoanalysis in its various forms. If
practitioners today observe so many cases that show such a boundary condition is that the concepts and notions that researchers such as Dr. Balint, D. Winnicott, J. Lacan, N. Abraham H. Searles and others have developed, have transformed the look and practitioners relate to the clinic. For the contemporary clinical and theory are in agreement, it was necessary to recognize that the drive dualism was now almost an epistemological interest.
instinctual monism as Freud once glimpsed for divorce for "reasons of common sense" in 1919 in Beyond the Pleasure Principle is the theoretical revolution he left to his successors to do not.

* Philippe Réfabert, psychoanalyst, is the author of From Freud to Kafka Calmann-Lévy, Paris, 2001.