Thursday, January 27, 2011

Tatood Female Genitals

At the top ten most expensive books in history: No. 4 Birds of America by Audubon

Friends Bibliophiles hello

We are the fourth most expensive book of history, since s' acts of "Birds of America" by Audubon.

John James Audubon (or Jean-Jacques Audubon), painter and naturalist Franco-American, was fond of birds. From the 1820s he began to travel the United States and to draw all the species he encountered. His work led to 435 watercolors painted in double-elephant folio (98x76 cm).

In December 2010, a comprehensive collection of originals was sold at Sotheby's for 11.5 million dollars.

We have spoken enough. You can find more information on the blog about this beautiful book.



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