Monday, March 1, 2010

Has Anyone Ever Seen Milena Velba

The Flood ... Mesopotamia: Atrahasis and Utanapishtim, the Mesopotamian Noah. 1 / 4

By Maximilian Lormier

The story of the Flood is a common myth in many cultures around the globe. The most famous of them, that of Genesis, is passed down to posterity through the Bible. This dramatic episode tells how God usa a cataclysmic flood to wash the land of the impurity of his creation: man. However God decided to reward the loyalty of his brave Noah, the investor. He ordered him to build an ark that meet specific criteria, and enclose it with his family and with a couple of each species. The ark would safeguard all species created by God terre pour un nouveau Commencement. Cependant, les découvertes archéologiques du XIXe siècle en Mésopotamie, et le déchiffrement des tablettes cunéiformes jetèrent un trouble dans l’étude des écrits bibliques. En effet, ils existaient des récits du Déluge très comparables à celui de la Bible, mais beaucoup plus anciens. Souvenirs ou fictions, voici les histoires, celles d’Atrahasis et d’Utanapishtim, les « Noé mésopotamiens ».

Deux mythes, mais quelles époques ?

Stories Atrahasis Utanapishtim and reached us by means of two major literary works of the Old East, the Myth of Atrahasis or the Supersage for the first and the Epic of Gilgamesh respectively. Shelves Myth Atrahasis back at least to the seventeenth century BCE, while we narrating the Epic of Gilgamesh were found in the rich library of the great Assyrian king Ashurbanipal in Nineveh, which had ruled the mid-seventh century BC. AD. No doubt these two works are remarkable for their beauty and for the strength of the message they conveyed, are much older ages for periods dating from the shelves. About Gilgamesh, traces the story are lost to the very origins of writing, since we found tablets telling the epic written in the Sumerian language. Moreover, these myths trace the foundations of the origins of the creation of man and of peoples of Mesopotamia, the Sumerian traditions (south) and Akkadian (north) is meeting and mixing to give birth to fabulous stories which Atrahasis and witnesses were Utanapishtim privileged. It is likely then that these myths are first transmitted from generation to generation orally, before the emergence of writing around 3200 BC. AD.

(To be continued)


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