Thursday, June 25, 2009

Daughter Has Yellow Goop In Her Eyes

Exhibition - Women in the turmoil of the 1940 Paris Grand

By Liesel Schiffer.

Place memory in Montparnasse.

It is significant to have to climb the heights of the Montparnasse train station to enter the Memorial du Marechal Leclerc which also houses the Museum Jean Moulin. Emerging from the bustling city, we are suddenly plunged into the ugly 70's architecture, fortunately softened by a large garden perched where Parisians come to play, flirt, relax under the trees. This lock provides peace of mind going into places in the mind alert, emotionally intact to plunge into the atmosphere of the big story. Jean Moulin liked the neighborhood but it is also where General Leclerc establishes his command post August 25, 1944 and that General von Choltitz signed the order to cease-fire.

"From green to blue gray RAF, between mice and women of the shadows"
Galliera museum exhibition outside its walls is proposed to draw a portrait of Paris from 1940 to 1944 multiple forces. Direct Recall of experiencing Nazis, a photo mural shows Hitler observing Paris from the Trocadero esplanade, during his only visit to the French capital, June 23, 1940. Parisiennes, we see the futile laugh that seems difficult times of this unique style zoot, these kinds of muscadins Wonderful and twentieth century large jackets and tousled hair. She dances, the index rose, on the melodies of Johnny Hess or humming "It was a swing of Jacques Pills, which can listen through headsets lying close to the window. There is cautious, her handbag with a compartment for a gas mask, follow the instructions of managers film in case of emergency and details before the curtain, in terms of shelter reserved for spectators of the French Comedy. Maybe this one will she cry as the projections of the "Golden City", "The Blue Veil" or shudder at the satanic faces Jules Berry in "Les Visiteurs du soir", as reminded by posters films. All demonstrate a wealth of imagination to remain attractive and mislead the face of arrogant occupant failing to find real, they dye their legs "colored silk stockings," improvise hats shavings, newsprint , crepe parchment or "tulle illusion" and, facing the loss of leather, of climb breathtaking wooden soles that give the appearance of shepherds on stilts. Daniel Cordier, Jean Moulin secretary, amused (*) in describing his meeting with Laure Diebold, the future companion of the liberation: "Indeed, the following Sunday, I saw a little lady, perched on high soles Wood who was walked, the sound of castanets! Astonishing for this character that embodies the soul of discretion. "The seamstress, if they do not renounce their holy Catherine, confectionnent funny headgear ration cards or purchasing coupons ... And if we surprised the elegant Hermes scarf extolling the values of the return to earth - he looks more like the light of Tintin graphic text that Emmanuel Berl, the negro's marshal - one is appalled by the ugliness of that other square silk printed portrait of the man who claimed tricolor "donate his person to France" at the time of defeat. Fortunately, the bags with false bottoms for smuggling and resistant setter of the first hour, reassure on certain commitments, such as scarves detailed maps of France to facilitate the task of parachute. The popularity of tartan and military reflects a desire not to forget those who, in the UK, chose to continue the fight. And especially poignant is the story of Lise London, the grande dame of the Resistance, who runs his achievements as an adventure perfectly natural ... remains the period of liberation, celebrated by all the lights and stars American. Benoite Groult, in his "Journal duet" (**) written with his sister Flora, also honors his way to the saviors of Europe from afar: "They say hello, we dance, we eat what ' they throw us - None of them knew that we were hungry - it says fondly of all-purpose words, there is a little emotional when they parted, God bless you, honey, they ask you a picture, they write once or twice, it meets two or three times and they are going to die live in Germany or in America. "

Assassination of a milliner, by Catherine Bernstein

In a screening room, a few chairs in front screens, tracks, over a documentary made by the niece of the heroine, destiny so tragically representative Fanny Bernstein. French Jewish, this pretty milliner in 1932 opened his shop at 4 rue Balzac, near the Champs Elysees. The evil star of Vichy laws to serve the project Semitic Nazi net stop this promising path. In 1940, an ordinance establishes the identification of Jewish businesses for arianiser. Thus in 1941 the young woman is imposing a director who sold his company to lower prices to a Catholic. Fanny has little time to consider finding another source of income. Arrested in September 1942 and shipped to Auschwitz in Poland, she was gassed. A small pink felt hat Tyrolean style fashionable at the time, testifies, poignantly, the creative talent of martyrdom. One among millions of others that we should not forget.

Exhibition "Accessories, objects, testimonies of women's lives in Paris 1940-1944" at the Memorial of Marshal Leclerc, Musée Jean Moulin, Paris XV arrondissement, until November 15, 2009.

Some readings in the process, in addition to the exhibition catalog:
- Fabienne Falluel and Marie-Laure Gutton, "Elegance and System D", Paris Museum, Paris, 2009.
- (*) Guy Krivopissko Christine Levisse-Touze, Vladimir Trouplin, "In honor and the victory, the women's companion release, "Tallandier, Paris, 2008.
- Dominique Veillon, "Fashion under the Occupation", Payot, Paris, 1990.
- (**) Avens and Flora Groult, Journal duet "Denoël, Paris, 2002.
- Dominique Fernandez, "Ramon", Grasset, Paris, 2008.


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