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The Koranic quotations trap

May 15th, 2007 by ajmch

Typically, Spengler is a very talented and insightful commentator - particularly its approach to the Arab civilization through the prism of his poetry and his letters. But also seems afflicted by a decline sadly very common before the examination of Koranic texts. Thus, his spats with virtual Robert Spencer, director of Jihad Watch, not to his advantage.

In summary, Spengler argues complexity fuzzy: it would be possible to get the best and the worst of Koranic scripture, just based on what you want to find. This view is widespread and seems plausible novice instinctively. Indeed, it is naturally possible to search in a targeted way of Islamic scripture passages that support or undermine the point of view. It is within the reach of everyone and it is likely that this is the rule in Islam, since the children received their beliefs long before being capable of discernment.

But what about an objective approach - consideration of all the texts he confirms this intuitive views? And if this is not the case, if an honest consideration of Islamic scriptures clearly produces a result-oriented, which of the two approaches (objective / subjective) is compelling? At a time when Islam is so important in the world, these issues can they be left open? And how, if any, best meet them?

An example: Mohammed is supposed to be forbidden to kill a monk in prayer, or women and children. But he also made conflicting statements, that the enemy is seen as a compact, undifferentiated, and himself, the sources said, had used weapons without any differentiation killing women, children and people in prayer. An objective mind which seeks to deduce the laws of these writings will probably conclude that it is forbidden to kill women, children and monks ... except in certain circumstances, there needs to be examining the context. It will then decide how emergency situations can define principles applicable in the here and now.

This process quickly became college, is that of Islamic law. He consistently produces laws justifying and glorifying the war against the infidels until the world domination, religious segregation and sexual abuse, corporal punishment in public places and all sorts of legal processes uncodified, referring to faith in Allah and promises in the Koran. No college has never contradicted these principles in the name of Islamic scriptures. It is simply no substance to it.

importantly, we are here in the realm of faith and scholars, in the final analysis, simply assert that compliance with Islamic precepts product by definition a perfect society. It is therefore legitimate to defend and spread this society, whose members aware of the quality and importance of this project will willingly upon himself to suffer the punishment in question to purify the community of his personal wanderings. Thus, the thief is so glad he cut his hand, because it heals the sin, gives him a better chance before God, the unfaithful wife want to be stoned, because it exorcised the harmful aspect of his act and reinforces the moral qualities of society.

Hence it is clear that the objective examination of all entries, by scientists, product, outwardly, a conqueror and imperialist project, which justifies the violence and mass murder in the name of faith Islamic and inward, a social ideal rigid and totalitarian, who says the least sacred gestures of daily life and controls without pity. Certainly, scholars, jurists, are a minority, but an acquired company to Islam this minority is invariably in power (even if only to legal and legislative) and its influence is incomparably greater than that of people who simply choose in scripture passages that appeal to their subjective beliefs. For these exceptions, never go far in the hierarchy of an Islamic society.

other hand, scientists are aided here by the extremists, people who look to the scriptures enough to justify their thirst for crime. And this in two ways: First, the extremists are intimidating (or shoot) the supporters of a free society and Pacific, which favors the position of targets connoisseurs of entries, which can say with a kind of perverse reason, that only the greatest respect for Islamic law puts people away from danger in this world and the other . And extremists, when exaggerate and create chaos, can easily be treated by simple criminals ignorant lawyers, recognized by holders of the truth of the scriptures condemn their actions and call, once again, to more respect for true laws of Islam.

It should also be noted that if the extremists are also a small minority, their lack of inhibition before the violence gives them a considerable personal power over their surroundings. And of course they can be retrieved, used, armed, amplified by power-hungry people.

Thus, ultimately, the fact that it is certainly possible to delude ourselves about the nature of Islam in one way or another, did not matter to the reality of the phenomenon. Just as the Islamic scriptures are widespread among a literate population and credulous, to reproduce the pattern they describe (permanent war, civil unrest, unproductive, non-creativity). Entries Islamic are actually a trap, but not the one we depicted Spengler.


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