Monday, October 20, 2008

Teoria Idoli F.bacona

Alain Besancon and silence Benoit XVI on Islam

Benedict XVI before the three temptations of the Church
With Alain Besancon and Father Iborra

In 1996, Alain Besancon published an essay titled Capital Three temptations in the Church (reissued Perrin). While the trip of Pope Benedict XVI in Paris and Lourdes was for many French revelation of the true personality of the pontiff, Christopher Dicks has asked Alain Besancon replacing the pontificate of the former Cardinal Ratzinger in front of the "three temptations. For his part, Father Iborra, translator of the book by Aidan Nichols Thought of Benedict XVI (Editions Ad Solem), illuminates the intellectual journey of the former prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.

To read the works of Father Moussalli, mentioned Alain Besancon:

The text of Father Moussalli

His book: http:/ / / islam.html
Antoine Moussala
The Cross and the Crescent

Antoine Moussala, The Cross and the Crescent, Paris, Éditions de Paris, 1998, 116 p.

"The truth will set you free" says Christ (John, 8, 32). As in any speech, no dialogue apart from the truth. But the dialogue implies an attitude of kindness and charity brought under the other, along with a search - a "geological patience" - the truth which is that other carrier. Never have there been so many meetings, sessions, symposia and seminars as in the past two decades, where everyone was worn by irrepressible optimism and equal impatience bulimic dialogue. Gradually became inevitable excesses: benevolence became complacent and search for truth was turning into compromise. This has led to abuses unforgettable, as the Islamic-Christian meeting in Tripoli, Libya in 1974 - including the Secretariat for relations with Islam (SRI) was the initiator - where President Gaddafi imposed participants a three-hour speech to urge Christians to convert to Islam needed liberating. It took the Encyclical Redemptoris missio, in 1990, for details required on the contour of the "dialogue" and the "announcement" that "if the two are related, they are not interchangeable for the same."
is in this context that the work of A.. Moussali and it is in the very logic of the dialogue should be placed. His intention is to provide some answers to solve a recurring question: Christians and Muslims, we are similar, dissimilar, similar? What do terms like "monotheism", "revelation", "Christology," "Abraham", "prophecy" etc.. ? According
its comparative method, the A. discusses the different terms with a triple objective: to look at reality as it is, explain to Catholics what Islam is, and finally resume the education of Christians in their faith, so they are in able to defend and guard against the temptation of switching - or sentimental cult - Islam. At an impartial statement of the Muslim religion the author combines a very safe catechesis of the Christian religion. The aim of the book is such that we readily forget some gaps and inaccuracies in the text.
are commonly employed, and almost mechanically, in Catholic circles and even in sermons, phrases like "the three monotheistic religions," "the three revealed religions," "the three Abrahamic religions" or "the three religions of the Book" . This last phrase - Muslim! - Has an entirely different meaning to imply that Christians who use it. The author shows how these terms are unacceptable and even outrageous especially when they are the part of Catholics. If one day we see them disappearing from common Christian discourse will be the sign that Father A. Moussali will not work in vain: we like to go that last thought to Alain Besancon, of the Institute, which, with even a few intellectuals understood the seriousness of the issues since the dialogue has become a practice vogue.


(Copy of wheat Volume CIII No. 4 October-December 2002)


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