Wednesday, April 11, 2007

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Christian Noah's Ark and the Flood

Transcript of an excellent article on Bibliorama and talking about Noah's ark and the flood. Go read the original article to see all the pictures section.

Noah's Ark, and its technical aspects

And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was that bad at all times. And the LORD repented of having made man on earth and it grieved in his heart. And the Lord said I will destroy the earth man that I created; both man and beast, until the reptile, and until the bird of heaven, for I am sorry that I have made them. - Genesis 6:5-7

1 - In light of our knowledge

Currently, scholars re-read the story of Noah's flood to see if the events described are possible the light of knowledge in geology and shipbuilding. We find in the book of Genesis, some surprising details about the ark.

God said to Noah, Make thee an ark of gopher wood shalt thou make the ark by boxes, and shalt bitumen by inside and outside. And here is how you shall make it: The length of the ark three hundred cubits, its breadth fifty cubits, and its height thirty cubits. Thou shalt make a window in the ark, and thou finish to a cubit from above, and thou shalt put the door of the ark in its side, thou shalt with a lower floor, a second and a third. - Genesis 6:14-16

Most scholars believe that a cubit was about 46 centimeters (18 inches) so that the ark should be 137 meters long and 23 meters wide and 14 meters above.

Ark Noah was the largest ship ever built, until, in the late 19th century, men began to build massive steel vessels.

The ark was 6 times longer than wide, which is great for stability in high seas shipbuilders say that it was virtually impossible to capsize.

By all accounts, it was beautifully designed to withstand a whole year the onslaught of a raging sea. These dimensions are particularly interesting when we compare them with those described in the Babylonian legend. In this account, we say that the ark was shaped like a perfect cube with each side measuring more than one hundred twenty cubits, and had nine bridges. Such a vessel would turn on itself continuously ... and in terms of stability, it would be a disaster!

2 - But the ark was big enough to hold all the animals to be housed?

Ark included in total 9290 m2 of space, equivalent to the area more than 20 stages of basketball. Its total volume was 42,960 m3 capacity is of 569 freight cars. The question now is how many animals were living on earth be taken into the ark to survive the deluge ...

According to Ernest Mayr, the greatest American expert on the classification, there is more than a million species of animals in the world. However, the majority of these species could survive in water and it was not necessary to bring into the ark. Noah did not have to deal with 21 000 fish species, nor of the 600 species of echinoderms, including sea stars or the 107,000 mollusks such as mussels, clams and oysters, or the 10 000 coelenterates like corals, sea anemones and jellyfish, nor, finally, 30,000 protozoa, which are microscopic single-celled creatures.

In addition, many aquatic mammals are, eg, whales, seals and porpoises. No need to include amphibious, or all reptiles, turtles, caimans and crocodiles. Other hand, a large number of arthropods, which include 838,000 species such as lobsters, shrimp, water fleas and crabs are sea creatures, and there are few insects among arthropods. Similarly, many of the 35,000 species of worms and many insects have survived outside the ark .3 - Suppose there were 50 000 animals in the ark.

Dr. Morris and Dr. Whitcomb in their book deemed entitled The Genesis Flood (The Genesis Flood) say that the ark did not have to host more than 35,000 animals. But let's be generous and add so little to this number, taking account of extinct species and to add a degree that would satisfy the skeptics: Suppose there were 50 000 animals in the ark. Obviously, Noah was not required to take the largest animals or older, there are actually few large animals like the dinosaur or the elephant, and he could have chosen among these young animals species.

Suppose that the animal medium was the size of a sheep. But a wagon through two bridges can hold 240 of these animals. So three trains pulling 69 cars each would be sufficient to carry the 50,000 animals, which represents only 37% of the capacity of the ark. There remain 361 cars, or 5 trains of 72 cars each to carry all the food and baggage plus Noah's family, who had eight. There was so much room enough in the ark.

4 - The major problem has been building the ark.

The Bible says that Noah followed God's instructions carefully. We
can assume that he also hired craftsmen and more members of his family. Was it possible for Noah to build the ark, alone with her 3 son?

The Bible tells us that Noah was 500 years old when he received God's orders to build the ark. 2 years later (Genesis 11:10), was born the eldest son Shem, and Ham, and Japheth (Genesis 5:32). Finally, 100 years later, at age 600 years, Noah was instructed to return the completed arch with his family (Genesis 7:6).

100 years were sufficient to build this ark?

Here Average calculation has made for an artisan Bibliorama
professional carpenter, Gael Urtin which builds fustes (wooden houses
round) using traditional methods: no nails, no screws are used
, all being assembled in the woods millimeter and the
tangled into each other by cutting the timber. Pictured above, one built by traditional
fustes Gael Urtin (These houses are in fact the famous Canadian homes
of "cowboys cows "...).

For a wooden arch of 137 m long by 14 m high and 23 m wide
, counting the 3 floors of floors and roof must dispose of 51
238 linear meters of wood (beams with an average diameter of 45 cm square section
32 cm). These

51 238 linear meters represent a standing forest of 3740 trees
at least 15 to 20 meters high. In each tree we cut a
beam 13.70 m in length on average.
The total cubic
wood working is 9668 m3 of roundwood.

With traditional methods of Noah's day (
saws and axes only), 3 or 4 men (Noah and his 3 son in this case) could successfully treat at least 1
whole tree in 8 days (2 days for a falling, the pruning and
débonder, 3 days to bark and squaring, 3 days for
handling on site, cutting and putting in place.)

This calculation means, for 6 days per week, on a period of
1200 months (100 years), 3 or 4 men have managed to deal effectively
3740 trees. Knowing that Noah was able to work with her 3
son, that they were also equipped with a physical force greater than ours
(Noah lived 950 years - Genesis 9:29, Shem 600 years - Genesis 11:11),
and finally God could support them in this mission, it is plausible 100%
that Noah has succeeded in his mission alone with his family (and even less time than 100 years !)...

Note: In calculating the date when God sent the flood upon the earth,
calculation made by studying the chronology of the patriarchs from Adam to Noah,
we see that God has raised 6 months after the deluge the death of the last
patriarch. The Ark could be finished for some time already ...

Some also raise the difficulty of collecting two specimens of each species and to bring into the ark. However, the story of Genesis tells us that God gathered the animals and brought them into pairs to Noah into the ark. (Genesis 6: 20)

Some believe that the problems have really emerged only after all were found on board, since there were only eight people to feed, ventilation, watering and cleaning the vast menagerie for 371 days. However, many scientists believe that animals have fallen into a state of lethargy, which is a latent ability to hibernate, which exists in almost all animal species. Maybe that option did it supernaturally intensified during this trip.

With physical function minimized, the animals would need much less attention. In conclusion, when considering all the facts, it becomes clear that science does not prove at all that the story of Noah's Ark is a myth or an invention.
Facts prove that the ark described in the Bible was large enough to carry the number of animal species need to repopulate the earth after the flood and that Noah and his family were perfectly capable of care for these animals during the time they spent in the ark. The flood that God sent to Noah's time was a trial of sin on earth.

5 - because of our wickedness

God destroyed the world of that time because of the wickedness of its inhabitants. When we observe nature and that we see evidence of the flood, God reminds us that He judge sin. (Ci-cons engraving of 1869 by Gustave Doré). It also reminds us that He saves from this trial all those who trust Him. God has promised He will never destroy the earth by a flood, but He gave her another trial to come. Jesus Christ came into the world to die for our sins and restore communication between God and man ... so we do not fear His judgments.

Noah pleaded with the men of his time to have faith in God. But they did not listen, and God closed the doors of the ark. Now, Christ pleads for the second time the world's people to trust in God. Will you answer His call, to escape the Judgement to come? You decide.

By faith Noah, being divinely warned of things not seen yet, was filled with fear, prepared an ark for the salvation of his family through it he condemned the world and became heir of the Justice is according to the faith. (Hebrews 11:7).

A second article on Noah's Ark:

The Ark and those who have seen, chronic archaeological

Article published at Pascale Cusson :
by Jacques Paquette (text slightly condensed and reproduced from an audio recording).

"The year 600 of Noah's life, the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, that day all the fountains the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened. And the flood was forty days on earth, and all the mountains that were under the whole heaven were covered. "(Genesis 7:11,17,19)

1 - the danger now hanging over the world Current

What connection can there be between an event in the Bible occurred so long ago (ie a flood that inundated our planet) ago more than 4350 years and the present days? We this event two lessons to be learned quite useful. First, the fact that the world of that time was destroyed by a flood universal, because of the wickedness and violence of men, makes us think seriously about the danger now hanging over the world today.

Second, if we can be fully assured that an event of the Bible as extraordinary as the flood is true, this will push us to take very seriously the warnings of the New Testament and finally believe that the Bible is true and that nothing is written there did was lightly.

By letting us hear this example of the past, trying to see how everything the Bible tells us this event actually happened. Facts: The Earth Speaks. The Bible tells us that at the time of Noah, men were "filled the earth with violence," just like they did today. What was the consequence, according to the Bible: "Because all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth, God told Noah that means a deluge, it would destroy this world of violent men. Noah was to build a huge ark to save his family and all species of birds and land animals. Then God brought down the flood waters that covered the highest mountains. Of all men, only those who had survived took place in the ark, that is to say, Noah and his family. "(Genesis 6.12-13, 7.1-24).

2 - Are these facts true?

Strong evidence allow us to be convinced. Downpour in effect , left, in addition to evidence of climate change, the traces of a sudden devastation across the globe.

Let's hear about it a scientist, Mr. Hapgoog: "One of the great destruction of life occurred at the end of the last glacial period. According to the dating of cores from the bottom of the Ross Sea, the last glacial period did not begin that 6000 years ago. Upheavals have gigantic fossils buried well below ground materials much older than them. There are signs that large areas of the Earth were flooded in some time. "(Newsweek Magazine, December 23, 1963).
The animal remains.

The instantaneous nature of this universal catastrophe, we revealed by the condition of the remains of animals found in the Arctic region, where millions of animals have been a fairly recent geological era, died suddenly and instantly frozen in mud and ice subsurface arctique.On say that troops from animals that grazed or hunted were suddenly raised by a huge tidal wave ras and deposited on strips of land along northern Canada, Alaska and Siberia. They are still there by the millions as a pile of bones with flesh and fur. Often there are species that normally do not live together.

The way they were buried, suggesting that they all died together, and then they were transported jumble by very large forces. Dr. Frank Hibbon, Professor of Archaeology at New Mexico, visited this region during an expedition to the study of Alaskan mammoths. He observed about the confusion remains frozen horse, bison, tiger-tooth sword, lions, deer, bears and mammoths:

"We also find some of the mud Alaska, evidence of atmospheric upheavals of extraordinary violence "The mammoths and bison were also shredded and twisted, like a cosmic hand, under the effect of heavenly wrath. It seems that under the effect of some catastrophe, the whole universe of animals and plants from Alaska was suddenly frozen in situ in all attitudes of death. Legs, bodies, heads, fragments were found scattered or piled, chipped animals have been screened around the country, although they might perhaps have weighed several tons. "

In his book "THIS LAND UNKNOWN" Francis Derrey, reported the same phenomenon, and adds: "The graves of Alaska is not an isolated case. Were found around the world in the footsteps of many piles of bodies of this kind, crammed with the remains of thousands of animals crushed. "

In the ocean Arctic off Siberia, there are islands of which, Liedkoff seems to be composed entirely of tusks and bones of large mammals. It is surrounded by underwater ridges also formed bones.

In the caves and hills of Central Europe, ossuaries of different species of animals (rhinoceros, horses, lions, deer, horoxs, wolves) all massed together, are a most convincing proof to the suddenness of Flood. Velikovsky Manual, describes in one of his books ("Worlds in Collision"), the effects of this catastrophe in the world: "In many respects land, on all continents, it was found intermingled bones of marine animals, animals, polar and tropical animals ... . On the high mountains and deep seas, we find countless signs of a former great upheaval. "

The universal character of a prehistoric disaster and seemingly inexplicable disappearance of entire species, has been commented upon by Charles Darwin, in the wake of zoological research he has done for "THE ORIGIN OF SPECIES." He wrote:

"The mind can not help but believe in some great catastrophe. But thus to destroy animals large and small, in Southern Patagonia, in Brazil, the Andes of Peru, in North America to the Bering Strait, it took the entire base of the globe is shaken. "

These indices are exactly those we would expect to find, after the fall of a huge canopy of water vapor. The polar regions were suddenly plunged into a state of intense frost animals that were in that area or nearby perished frozen on the spot. Those who were buried elsewhere were in great numbers, under piles of dirt and debris.

These facts can be explained either by a natural death or drowning normal, or by death after illness. They only become comprehensible in the context of a universal deluge, accompanied by a change of climate almost instantaneous.

3 - Traditions of a deluge.

If there was a deluge, we can expect that the memory of such a catastrophe will be long preserved among men. The stories relating to the Flood extant from antiquity, prove that in all parts of the world the human race has remembered a time of widespread flooding and destruction.

In virtually all traditions, God or a particular deity, would destroy the entire human race with the exception of a few individuals and start over. The sins vary very little from one legend to another. The reasons given are usually that the man was too proud and no longer obeyed the divine will, too corrupt and too violent, and that, in the words of the Bible, "his heart did not form that evil designs to length day.

The biblical story of the Flood is confirmed by the stories of floods of Chinese, Greeks, British and Mexican. The story called "the epic of Gilgamesh" describing a deluge very similar to that of Genesis tells how the hero of the flood, Upnapishtin (Noah), escaped the total destruction of humanity. We also found another story of the Flood written in Sumerian language which predates both the Assyrian and Babylonian.
Sir James Frazer, renowned anthropologist, collected traditions about the flood in the most remote and varied, such as the Leeward Islands, Windward, the Bingual, China and Malesia.

In 1872, an amateur archaeologist named George Smith, managed to reconstruct the broken tablets had been found in soil at the site of ancient Nineveh (where Noah built the ark). These tablets dating back thousands of years, told the story of the flood and confirmed the story of the Old Testament to the smallest detail. These tablets have been written when we still remembered very clearly the flood.

Many people around the world have traditions of a great flood, which only a chosen few survived. The book "Target: Earth", says about this: "In the normal course of events, floods are not general and widespread as to give rise to a deluge that would have any exterminé.Pourquoi almost all ethnic groups do they have in their folklore, this story of a great flood?

Why People living near the sea in a dry, mountainous region such as Mexico or Central Asia, they have the legend of a flood? The universality of the flood story is one of the best arguments for its authenticity. "(1953, pages 239 to 253)


What has happened with the arch of which the Bible tells us that it was built by Noah under the instruction of God to escape destruction? Well, it still exists and it lies in a nearly inaccessible region known to man for millennia.
In the snowy passes of Mount Arrarat, Armenia is now buried in the glacier of the mountain that guard jealously, the only relic that has survived in the world that no longer: the Ark of Noah.

The biblical story of the ark from touching the ground in the mountains of Arrarat was flooding throughout the Christian world for nearly two thousand years and longer tenure in other civilizations even older: Hebrew, Armenian, Syrian, and Mesopotamian.
Evidence from ancient and medieval, about the ark of Noah

Authors of Antiquity and Middle Ages were talking about Noah's Ark on Mount Arrarat as of a fact accepted by all. Indeed, at this time, you could easily see the Arch by climbing high enough. Sometimes, the black silhouette of the arch was visible on the plain white background of snow. Among the authors of antiquity, Epiphanius of Salamis, went so far confirm the authenticity of his faith in the stories Bible, the presence of the ark: "Even today, shows the remains of Noah's ark in the land of the Kurds.".

Another author of the 3rd century BC. BC, the Babylonian Berossus, informs us that people climbed the mountain to the ark, and scraped the outer walls to collect plates pitch (a resinous substance that covered the entire boat). Indeed, the biblical text, God tells us that, when he gave instructions to Noah to build the ark, said: "You shall make the ark with boxes, and shalt pitch inside and outside. " (Genesis 6:14).

A first-century Jewish historian well known, Flavius Josephus, was also convinced that the presence of the ark was true and real. He noted, in one of his writings, that the name of a town near the mountain, Nakhchevan, in Armenian means "place of berthing" (the Arrarat located in Armenia), and he adds: " because that is where the Ark touched ground. The Armenian relics show to date. "

Marco Polo, the Italian traveler indefatigable, has left us this reflection on his passage through Armenia, and that the 13th century AD. AD: "And you should know that in this country of Armenia, the ark Noah is still on top of a mountain covered with snow so constantly, that nobody can climb. The snow never melts, every fall it gets deeper. "Indeed, the glacier of the mountain in some places, has now reached a thickness ranging from 100 to 150 feet.

And so it is quite possible that The wreck of the Ark is buried inside this huge mass of ice, or even in one or other of the huge cracks that form from time to time. It seems that the recent shooting was taken on board aircraft or helicopters, were probably carried during periods of drought, which melts the ice and release the remains of the ark, or following earthquakes. Since the early 20th century, frequent earthquakes have changed the appearance of the place on the mountain.
Evidence concerning modern Noah's Ark:

In May 1883, an earthquake opened part of the mountain and reached the ark. Officials from Turkey came to this region to assess the damage caused by the earthquake, could very well see a part of the boat. Told them he had discovered a huge mass of wood dark out of a glacier at a height of 12-15 meters (the height of the ark built by Noah was 30 cubits, that is to say 15 meters).
It was impossible to measure the length, simply because part of the boat had broken through the ice. A British member of the Committee inspected the inside of the ark, and discovered it was divided into a series of compartments 5 meters high. The accuracy of this observation is striking, when we know that Noah had three floors within the ark (three times for 5 yards brings us to 15 meters or 30 cubits).
Finally, after looking at all angles this ship frozen on the mountain, the commission published the news that she had found the Ark of Noah.

A review of Los Angeles, the "New Eden" in 1940 published the story of two amazing Russian aviators, Lesin, and first mate Zabolotsky, both of the third detachment of the air forces of Imperial Airways, assigned to the end of summer 1916 at a base located 40 km northwest of Mount Arrarat. Here is an excerpt from their story:
"After 2 or 3 km around the summit covered with snow, then a quick glide and extended along the south face, we suddenly discovered a frozen lake, a real gem as blue as a sapphire. We turned round and came back to cast another glance. Suddenly, my companion suddenly turned and shouted something excitedly, pointing to the lake outlet. ... What a strange craft, designed as if the manufacturer was expected that the waves constantly covering it, and had made it to roll into the sea like a tree trunk! I said. ... We went down as low as allowed by safety regulations. As we approached, we were surprised by its colossal dimensions, as long as it was block and of a size comparable to warships today. On one side near the front, there was a large doorway of almost 6 square meters. "This is entirely consistent with the story of Genesis tells us that this instruction from God to Noah: "And you put the door of the ark on its side." (Genesis 6:16).

"... On our return, the captain asked us some questions and finally said: "Take me there, I want to see." We made the trip without incident, then returned to the airport. "This strange craft," explained the captain, is the Ark Noah. It has been almost 5000 years it is there. Being frozen for 9 or 10 months of the year, it could not rot. "
When the captain sent his report to the Russian government, it aroused considerable interest, and the Tsar sent two special companies to climb the mountain. It took complete measurements, we made plans and many photographs, and everything was sent to the Tsar. It was found that the ark contained hundreds of small rooms, some rooms are very large and very high ceilings. "'s Word God also reveals to us how the inside of the ark was built: "Thou shalt the arc of the boxes. "(Genesis 6:14)." ...
These surprisingly large parts were separated into two by a fence made of large pieces of wood, as if they were designed to contain reserves of food animals (forage, hay). Other rooms had all the walls lined with several rows of cages, the kind we see in exhibitions of poultry, with the difference that instead of roasting, they were in the front rows of tiny bars of iron. Everything was covered with a thick coating of gum-like resin, and the construction of the vessel bore the mark of a very advanced civilization.

The wood used was of the Cypress family and does not rot easily, which, coupled with the fact that he was frozen almost all the time, says his state of perfect preservation. The expedition found the peak of the mountain above the boat, the remains of pieces of frames that were missing from one of its sides. A few days after the expedition had sent his report to the Tsar, the government was overthrown and the Bolsheviks took power. What makes the report was never published and was probably destroyed. Such was the fervor of the Communists to destroy all religion and faith in the truth of the Bible! "This

Russian interest to the Ark of Noah, however, continued during the Second World War. Another convincing testimony to us from J Maskelin, commander of the Soviet army in the service of camouflage. He checked that Air officers of the imperial army had reported in 1916, sending a driver to make a flight over Mount Arrarat. The report was positive. It saw a large ship sunk in a frozen lake. Again a team of investigators was dispatched to the scene, and their findings established that the ship or the barge was now fossilized it measured over 133 meters long measurement established by the ark of Genesis chapter 6 verse 15 is 300 cubits, that is to say 135 meters.
In 1949, several American pilots stationed on an air base in Turkey, could very well see the ark. The evidence of this has survived by Lieutenant Greggor Schwinghammer, then driver 428ième squadron tactical flying. What the driver saw U.S. Air Force on Mount Arrarat the top of his F100, coincides exactly with all the other evidence we have collected so far. Here's what he said

"On this flight I performed above the Arrarat, we were very nervous because we were very near the Russian border, radar and defense systems. ... We toured the Mount Arrarat in the opposite direction clockwise, and suddenly we saw it lying in the snow on a sort of collar. It looked like a huge rectangular barge stranded in a ravine. My first reaction was to wonder who could have build a boat so high in the mountains. When we flew, I could see he was inclined, like something was stuck moving there. The party emerged snow and ice was 10 to 13 meters wide and nearly 33 meters long. The boat was of a blackish color. I heard later that the glacier kept slipping down the mountain, and that was why the arch was visible from time to time. "

All other drivers the squadron wanted to go and ran the risk just to see it. Almost all the pilots of this squadron flew at least once.
Between 1950 and 1970, many expeditions were organized to explore Mount Arrarat. Many climbers wanting to climb the mountain, have died or have any simply disappeared, because the dangers surrounding the climbing this mountain are numerous: the unpredictable avalanches, storms, falling rocks, snow and ice, cracks that open suddenly on ice. We understand more easily why these attempts to reach the ark were often without results! However, one of them, a French climber, Fernand Navarra, through perseverance and courage has seen its efforts rewarded. He had to take 3 times (1952, 1953 and 1955) before finally discovering, digging in the snow high in the mountains in 1955, pieces of wood carved beams. Test of Carbon-14 analysis and several scientists in different European laboratories, data from 4 000 to 5 000 years, precisely at the time of the flood according to science and the Bible.

31 July 1969 at 11:15, with the U.S. team "Search", Fernand Navarra discovered again the wood from the ark. It published an account of his early discoveries in a book entitled "I Touched Noah's Ark," published in 1956.
In 1974, Harold Cumming published a photograph taken by a satellite of the Earth Resources Technology (ERTS), 720 km above the mountain Arrarat. The photo shows an unidentified object on the side of the mountain. According to Senator Frank Moss, who was at that time chairman of the Senate committee for space matters, the object had substantially the size and shape of Noah's ark.


Given all the facts presented here, there is no reason to doubt the truth of this story. We have just shown that every detail of the biblical story of Noah's Ark and the Flood is not only consistent with science, but also confirmed by the findings and facts. Let us therefore more cautious than those people who laughed at Noah when he built his ark and warned of the destruction to come (see Matthew, chapter 24, verses 37 to 39). And do not forget, our generation is no different from that of Noah. So ...


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