Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Copy Of Church Programs

Message to Christians

To Jesus Christ all the Glory!

Praise Our triune God and Jesus Christ be praised!

Let us not be fooled by the lying wonders of Satan and calling into question everything we see and hear! Let it all by the "screening" of faith and study carefully the scriptures! Let

sealed by the Holy Spirit that Jesus Christ has sent us!

Remain in His love and caring and do not derive. Think about all the wonderful things that await us later once the Rapture velop and let's not "prostrate" on the bad things that will happen but on the good things! Because we are destined to happiness and do not know the time of the Tribulation!

us put everything into question and we Let's put ourselves in question!

Our sins are forgiven and we will share in eternal life, do not forget!

Let's do what Jesus asks of us: let us love one another, love our enemies, we do not take revenge, practice humility and not iniquity, and let's be pleasant at all towards all.

pray, study the Bible, fasting, evangelizing, meditate and put into practice what the Lord told us to do.

Let us not be impressed by the lying wonders of Satan (again) and remember that apostasy must come BEFORE the Lord returns to Earth!

May the Lord bless you, dear brothers and sisters in Christ!

We all go to the Lord in Heaven after the Rapture made!



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